Debbie Inglis Associates

Code of Conduct

Debbie Inglis Associates (DIA) commits to the following:

  1. To conduct itself with integrity, honesty, responsibility and accountability.
  2. To provide a safe environment for Life Coaching sessions, and to negotiate a safe and interruption-free environment when working in other organisations.
  3. All information disclosed by the client will be treated with respect and confidentiality (unless otherwise authorised by the client, or as required by law).
  4. Prior to or at the initial session, the client understands the nature of coaching, the boundaries of confidentiality, financial arrangements and other terms of the coaching agreement.
  5. To start and end sessions on time, unless otherwise agreed with the client.
  6. To provide accurate identification of relevant qualifications, expertise and experience.
  7. Respect for the client's right to terminate coaching at any point during the coaching process, and will be alert to indicators that the client is no longer benefiting from the coaching relationship.
  8. If it is believed that the client would be better served by another coach, or another resource, DIA will encourage the client to make a change.
  9. DIA will obtain agreement from the client before releasing their names as clients or references.
  10. DIA will seek to avoid conflict between her interests and those of the client. Whenever any actual conflict of interest or the potential for a conflict of interest arises, DIA will openly disclose it and fully discuss with the client how to deal with it in whatever way best serves the client.

July 2005