Check our video testimonials to see first hand what some of our clients have to say about the process
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Debbie is a very wise, calm and practical individual. Her warmth and 'humanness' is lovely.
(IT Analyst) ![[quote]](close-quote2.gif) |
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(Coaching) makes/helps you think about things, because you're answering questions.
It makes you address the issues you've got.
It helps you break down issues in your mind.
It's good to take time to do that because most people wouldn't get the chance to do that in everyday life
(Social Services) ![[quote]](close-quote2.gif) |
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The session encouraged me to focus on what I have been putting off; which is tackling two college assignments. Through the use of visualisation it enabled me to focus on the positive aspects of how I will feel once I take the right action, it also helped me appreciate of how negative and disappointed I will feel with myself if I take no action at all. I am a 'big-picture' person, in other words I have to see the whole picture to be able to see how to move forward. I realised it is not always possible to see this straight-away sometimes you have to look at smaller pieces to be able to see what the overall picture is going to be; a bit like starting a jig-saw, you have to start putting down some of the pieces before you can see what the picture is supposed to be.
(IT Support) ![[quote]](close-quote2.gif) |
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It was great to have the opportunity to talk about myself for 90 minutes! It was good to have key information fed back to me. The questions that were asked helped me to validate my chosen path. An enjoyable process!
(Teacher) ![[quote]](close-quote2.gif) |
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I came along to the session somewhat sceptically, not really convinced by the concept or sure of what "Life coaching" could do for me, but curious. After initial introductions I was made to feel very at ease and, despite my reservations, my confidence in the process increased dramatically as I discovered the level of knowledge, training and experience that Debbie was bringing to the process. As she clearly explained how "life coaching" worked, I began to understand what it was that it could offer me. Even after my initial one hour I found that Debbie had helped me to crystallise and understand some of the key aspirations that had previously been floating round my mind unchecked and causing me anguish. From this clearer understanding and insight into these thoughts, I felt that I could begin to go forward with a much clearer picture in my mind of what it was I wanted to achieve and also a better understanding of how it was I could begin to achieve it. In essence, despite the scepticism, I was genuinely impressed and felt I gained a greater insight into myself, in a way that could be productively used to help me achieve the goals that matter to me.
(CEO, IT Consultancy) ![[quote]](close-quote2.gif) |
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I had a number of life coaching sessions with Debbie. I was surprised how effective the sessions were at re-framing the way I deal with problems in my life and enabled me to question my responses to life events. Life coaching removed the blocks that stopped me achieving my own goals. The sessions were hard work, as Debbie did not direct me in any way. However, through talking about issues and the feelings around them, Debbie enabled me to develop a different way of thinking about issues and how to find more effective solutions.
Debbie used role-play to help me consider problems from different perspectives and this was particularly useful as it demonstrated that blocks to moving forward were of my own making.
The techniques Debbie used in the sessions have helped me in my work and home life as they encourage a positive approach to achieving the goals I have set. I have been able to transfer the work we did to other situations and this has enabled me not to become stuck in my reactions to events but to look at these events in a more positive way.
(Public Sector) ![[quote]](close-quote2.gif) |
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I didn't know what to expect from 'Life Coaching' but was amazed at what can be achieved after a couple of sessions. It's an ideal opportunity to step away from a busy lifestyle and spend some time just for you!.
(Secretary) ![[quote]](close-quote2.gif) |